Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ten BAD habits that damages your BRAIN

The human brain is an organ that controls the functions of the body, interprets information from the outside environment and contains the mind and soul. It is therefore paramount that we take care of this important organ whose breakdown is irreplaceable.
Below are ten common habits that damages the brain if not stopped early.

1. Not Having Breakfast

It is no news that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The brain needs a fresh supply of energy after being on fast overnight. Not having your breakfast leaves the body running on low blood sugar which leads to insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain, causing brain degeneration.

Do not leave for work without having something to eat or drink.

2. Overeating

Overeating is one of the risk factors of Obesity which have some damaging effects on the brain. Constant overeating can lead to hardening of the arteries which reduces supply of nutrients to the brain, thereby decreasing mental power.
To avoid overeating, chew your food well before swallowing and fill your plates with vegetables.

3. Smoking

Smoking cuts the supply of blood to the brain leading to stroke. This is why smoking causes 40% of stroke cases in individuals under 65 years of age. It also causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer's disease.
It is time to quit. START today.

4. High consumption of Sugar

Too much sugar in the body interrupts the absorption of other nutrients such as protein that are needed for development and repairs, thereby leading to malnutrition and poor brain development.
Too much of anything is not good. 

5. Air Pollution

Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain which reduces its efficiency. 
Avoid jogging or working out in polluted environment. Plant trees around.

6. Sleep deprivation

Your brain rests when you sleep. Long term sleep deprivation leads to death of brain cells. 
Strive to get at least 8 hours of sleep at the end of the day. It is good for your brain and also the body.

7. Head covering while sleeping

Sleeping with your head under the sheet increases the concentration of carbon dioxide which reduces the availability of oxygen and may have damaging effects on the brain.
The sheet is not going to protect you from the hangman in your room. Allow your brain to get a good supply of oxygen, so that you can have a good night rest without nightmares.

8. Working during illness

Working your brain during illness may reduce the effectiveness of your brain as well as damage it.
Illnesses are mostly caused by a stressed system, give yourself some time off to rest.

9. Lack of stimulating thoughts

Thinking is the best way to train your brain. Lacking in brain stimulating thoughts may lead to the shrinkage of the brain.
Try asking yourself mind probing questions that keeps you thinking and seeking out answers. There is always a solution to every problem.

10. Talking Rarely

It is known to be a good attribute when you talk rarely. But this can be damaging if you don't constantly engage yourself in intellectual conversations that can help promote the efficiency of your brain.
Have the right kind of people around you constantly.

If you are guilty of any of the habits mentioned above, plan to quit those habits today. Share this information with family and friends by using the share button.

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