Tuesday, October 13, 2015


A new week is here and a healthy one I wish you! Let's check out the basics, when I said fruits, I don't mean fruit juices as these juices might contain added sugar. My full focus is whole fruits not processed. Fresh unprocessed fruits and vegetables are readily available now, even in the most urban areas.
The main attribute of these fruits and vegetables is the fibre they contain. The level of fibre that they contain causes the variation in how much they can help in #weightloss process or even maintaining the weight. Please, diet change alone can't assure in weight loss, you need to add physical activities like exercise.


A good morning! We're starting with the Citrus family. I presume everyone is familiar with this fruit group. Citrus fruits promote ‪#‎weightloss‬ naturally due to its vitamin C and antioxidants content. There's no side effects using this natural method.
The weight loss is possible due to the vitamin C which increases the rate of metabolism and burns fat. Many weight loss diet focus on grapefruit from the citrus family since it contains the highest quantity of vitamin C amongst the citrus family, so if you are looking for a fast one, grapefruit should be your choice. Grapefruit also lower cravings which means you feel less need to eat that extra food.
A bonus from the citrus family is that they help in detoxification. Eating citrus fruits before going to bed is a good way to cleanse your system. You can even drink lemon juice mixed with warm water when you wake up in the morning as another detoxification method.


‪#‎Vegetables‬ are very important food groups in weightloss diet plan. They are useful due to their fibre content which have important roles to play in our diet.
‪#‎Fibre‬ is not absorbed by the body but provides the bulk or roughage to keep your bowels healthy. Fibre is essential for the body to maintain regular bowel movements. If you do not get enough fibre in your diet, you could suffer from constipation. Fibre also gives you that "full feeling" (satiety) which a person watching his/her weight needs in order not to eat more than required; so you eat less and stay satisfied longer! All thanks to Mr. Fibre.
Now back to vegetables, all vegetables are good in weight loss but the non starchy ones are better. The aim of any weight loss diet plan is to reduce your ‪#‎calorie‬ intake, so the starchy ones will only increase your calorie intake. Non starchy vegetables are typically flowering parts of the plant or its leaves e.g. Amaranth (efo soko), beans, cucumber, egg plant, onions, spinach, okra, etc. (check:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_non-starchy_vegetables).
The ‪#‎nutrients‬ in vegetables are vital for health and maintenance of your body. Eating a diet rich in vegetables may reduce risk for stroke, cancer, heart diseases and type-2 diabetes. One to four cups of vegetables are recommended each day. You might not need that supplement if you eat your greens and remember to chew well to gain the benefits of what you are eating.


Melons are naturally low in calorie, high in important nutrients and can help in so many ways while on weight loss plan. Examples of fruits in the melon group is watermelon, honeydews and cantaloupe.
The main goal of most weightloss diet plan is to reduce your calorie intake and amount of processed sweets, melon have naturally occurring sugar that can satisfy your sweet tooth and help you to resist the high calorie processed foods.
Melons contain both vitamin A and C with other vital minerals like potassium, selenium, folate and choline.
NOTE: avoid eating melons exclusively, as your body needs protein from meat or beans, complex carbohydrates from breads and vegetables, dairy from milk products and healthy fats.

NOTE: Eat well balanced meals, include a lot of fruits and vegetables, and limit your intake of fats, processed foods and refined ‪#‎sugar‬. It is important to exercise on a regular basis to lose weight.

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