Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Beans - Superfood for Diabetes

Beans also know as Cowpea, is an important source of protein in the diet of families especially in developing countries such as Nigeria. There are over 40,000 varieties of beans in the world and more are still discovered by the day but we have only three common varieties in Nigeria; the Olo, Oloyin and Drum as they are commonly called.

Beans are high in protein, complex carbohydrates, folate and iron. It contains significant amount of fiber. All these help to control or prevent diabetes. Let's break this down;

Why is beans a Superfood?

*Carbohydrates: as previously said, beans contains complex carbohydrates which prevents spikes in blood sugar level when consumed. Release of sugar is slow and gradual.

*Protein: the breakdown of protein takes a longer time than carbohydrates which is why it is not strictly monitored in a diabetic diet. Beans is quite rich in this.

*Fiber: Fiber-rich foods helps to slow down the rate of digestion. Diabetic patients are always advised to eat more of vegetables because of this. Beans contain both soluble and insoluble fiber which can help reduce the rate of release of sugar into the blood.

*Vitamin and Minerals: Beans is rich in folate, iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium which are essential in the proper functioning of the body.
Beans is relatively cheaper to the other sources of protein to the diet such as beef and with all these super benefits, you should have it in your meal more than once a week. If you're a new eater, it is advised that you introduce it slowly.

TIP: To reduce bloating, soak your raw beans for at least 8 hours before cooking.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Undereating: a silent threat

Major emphasis in the nutrition world have been on obesity and overeating but little or no query is given to undereating; it is not even a common word.
Undereating is when you consume below what your body require. The requirements of your body is dependent on your level of activity, rate of metabolism, age and weight. People undereat due to dieting, health conditions or majorly poverty.
Undereating is not a problem but what it can lead to overtime is something to be considered. Below are health risks associated with undereating which can lead to underweight are;

1. Infertility
2. Osteoporosis and bone fractures especially in old men and women.
3. Weak immune system; makes you more susceptible to diseases.
4. Malnutrition
5. Chronic fatigue; yawning at your desk even after a good night rest.
6. Anemia; especially in women of reproductive age.
7. At risk of complications during surgery.

It is always a good advice to seek professional help when planning to follow any diet plan. Don't put yourself in trouble because you want to be out of trouble.
Eat healthy, stay healthy!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Healthy Habits against Cancer; World Cancer Day 2018

Globally, over 8.8 million cancer related deaths are recorded annually, of which an estimated 80,000 are Nigerians. This means that 240 Nigerians die every day from cancer.  It is observed that 4 out of 5 persons having cancer results to death in Nigeria (WHO). This is alarming.
Today is the World Cancer Day and this year's theme is "We can. I can"; which looks into collective and individual efforts in reducing the global burden of cancer.

Healthy Habits for preventing Cancer

1. Don't use tobacco nor stay close to a user
Either smoking or chewing tobacco have been linked with several types of cancer such as lung, throat, cervix and kidney. Secondhand smokers are also put at risk of lung cancer.

2. Eat a healthy diet
Include a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diets especially the colored ones, avoid obesity and limit your intake of processed foods.

3. Take Alcohol in moderation
If you don't take alcohol, good for you but if you do, take it in moderation. Abuse of alcohol have been linked to breast, colon, lung, kidney and liver cancer.

4. Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active
At least, 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic physical exercise will do you a lot of good.

5. Protect yourself from the sun
Most cases of skin cancer are caused by adverse exposure to the sun. Avoid the midday sun and cover exposed areas of your body.

6. Go for regular medical checkups
The earlier it is discovered, the greater your chances of surviving it.
For females: know the breast cancer self check procedure.
For males (age 50 and above): go for prostrate cancer check up.

Your individual effort to reducing the burden of cancer is sharing this information.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Coconut Oil: A nay or yay?

Coconut is a #superfood used for skin and scalp problem. It's oil is one of sources of good fats - 'Medium-chained fatty acids (MCFA), which helps in #weight management.
Studies have also shown that MCFA helps to increase good High-density lipoprotein (HDL) which lowers the risk of #heart disease.
Coconut oil have also been known for promoting digestion generally  and absorption of calcium by the body.
If you're planning to watch your weight, coconut oil is high in calories but can be consumed in moderation for a balanced diet.
So would you opt for coconut oil rather than other oils in your cooking?

Monday, March 27, 2017

Three DANGEROUS effects of long term CONSTIPATION

THREE dangerous effects of long term CONSTIPATION
Mild Constipation can have little negative effect on our day-to-day living such as;
- bloating; being filled with gases,
- stomach pains,
- and blood in stool.
But when this condition is chronic, things can get really bad.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Save yourself from REPROACH, get RID of COUGH FAST!

Cough is a common and troublesome respiratory disease which is caused by bacteria, virus or allergens stuck in our throat or lungs. There are OTC (Over The Counter) drugs which fairly gives relieve and can make you drowsy. But here is one that can give relieve without making you drowsy and simply natural.
Ginger is a natural expectorant which is useful when having breathing or respiratory problems. It breaks the phlegm and allows its easy passage out, thereby restoring your respiratory system back to normal. Ginger also has anti-histamine and good decongestant ability. In order to harness its power, we make it into a tea.
Here is a step by step way of making a ginger tea.
1. Boil some water.
2. Grate a thumb of ginger into a cup.
3. Add the boiled water and stir.
4. Drink while warm or cold but warm is preferable.
Add lemon or honey to improve taste.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ten BAD habits that damages your BRAIN

The human brain is an organ that controls the functions of the body, interprets information from the outside environment and contains the mind and soul. It is therefore paramount that we take care of this important organ whose breakdown is irreplaceable.
Below are ten common habits that damages the brain if not stopped early.

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