Saturday, December 12, 2015

You might be at the edge of losing your sight!.....Tips for maintaining a good eyesight!

“Almost nothing need be said when you have eyes.”
― Tarjei Vesaas, The Boat in the Evening
Your eye is an asset that you do not want to loose because there are no retirement plans for it. A good vision goes a long way in helping you achieve that dream. Close your eyes and try to move around, maybe you can understand me better. Below are tips for maintaining or improving your eyesight.

Friday, November 27, 2015


Nutrition might be quite confusing but if you can keep well with these six pillars, you are on the move to having a healthier you 'nutritionally' because good #‎health is more than #‎food!
These rules are keys to getting that body you desire, whether the muscular one or the less fatty one. You don't have to get obsessed over calorie counting or what to eat, just streamline your diet to these pillars and you are good to go!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Home made Treatments Using Basil leaves (Efirin)

Listed below are some home remedies to some illnesses with the use of Basil leaves (Efirin). I have told you in the previous post what this miracle leaf contain. 
1.      Healing: Sharpen memory, use as a nerve tonic, and remove phlegm from your bronchial tubes. Repeat up to once an hour. Leaves can strengthen the stomach and induce perfuse sweating. The seeds can be used to rid the body of excess mucus.

Quick dietary fix for pounding headaches!

Sufferers of headaches know just how debilitating they can be. Headaches occur in millions of individuals across the country, and they have a myriad of different causes. Improper nutrition can easily be the cause of a headache. Here are some foods that could relieve your headache and get you back to feeling good in no time.

Sweet Potatoes - Health benefits of the sweet tuber

Orange-fleshed sweet potatoes may be one of nature's unsurpassed sources of beta-carotene. Several recent studies have shown the superior ability of sweet potatoes to raise our blood levels of vitamin A. This benefit may be particularly true for children. In several studies from Africa, sweet potatoes were found to contain between 100-1,600 micrograms (RAE) of vitamin A in every 3.5 ounces—enough, on average, to meet 35% of all vitamin A needs, and in many cases enough to meet over 90% of vitamin A needs (from this single food alone).

The Dos and Don'ts of Peptic Ulcer! Including foods to avoid, PLUS HERBAL CURE!

The main aim of a peptic ulcer diet is to keep you well nourished, keep neutralizing gastric acid, stop excessive acid production and to maintain a good pH balance. Below are the dos and don'ts of a healthy ulcer diet.
What you should do when you have peptic ulcer regarding your meals

Facts About Peptic Ulcer; its causes, symptoms and other things you don't know about it!

There are various types of digestive ulcer, the various types are briefly explained below;
  • Peptic Ulcer
    Any ulcer that is exposed to pepsin is referred to as peptic ulcers. Peptic ulcers are found in the lining of your stomach or duodenum. Pepsin is normally present along with hydrochloric acid in the stomach lining.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


A new week is here and a healthy one I wish you! Let's check out the basics, when I said fruits, I don't mean fruit juices as these juices might contain added sugar. My full focus is whole fruits not processed. Fresh unprocessed fruits and vegetables are readily available now, even in the most urban areas.
The main attribute of these fruits and vegetables is the fibre they contain. The level of fibre that they contain causes the variation in how much they can help in #weightloss process or even maintaining the weight. Please, diet change alone can't assure in weight loss, you need to add physical activities like exercise.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Health Benefits of Lime - Amazing facts about the fruit called "LIME"

The use of lime have been known for a long time even though back then, no one could point out the essential content of the fruit which gave it its healing power. In this update we will be looking at the content of the fruit and some uses of the fruit you don’t even know about.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

I am going Nuts with Cashew - Cashew Nuts and its Health Benefits!

The delicately flavoured cashew nut is a favourite in-between meal snack that can be readily found in your local market all year round. It also makes wonderful nut butter and a special addition to salads and stir-fry dishes.
Cashew nuts are actually the kidney-shaped seeds that adhere to the bottom of the cashew apple, the fruit of the cashew tree, which is native to the coastal areas of north-eastern Brazil. While cashew apples are not appreciated in the United States, they are regarded as delicacies in Brazil and the Caribbean. Cashews are always sold shelled because the interior of the shells contains a caustic resin, known as cashew balm, which must be carefully removed before the nuts are fit for consumption. This caustic resin is actually used in industry to make varnishes and insecticides. In Nigeria, you can get the nuts de-shelled and it became a delicacy sold commercially due its advertised nutritional benefits. I have so many friends here that have been asking me; 'why should I eat nuts when I am trying to watch my weight?' and many other questions concerning nuts, below you will get some reasons why you should go nuts especially with cashew.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Expert Tips to Kick Sugar Addiction

It’s About Biochemistry, Not Willpower
It’s important to recognize that sugar addiction is not simply a lack of willpower. For long-term recovery, it is absolutely necessary to balance the biochemical systems in the body, such as blood sugar, poor intestinal health, and insufficient brain chemicals (neurotransmitters). Only then can sugar addiction be overcome, otherwise relapse occurs similar to any other addiction.The number one tip for someone looking to free him or herself of sugar addiction would be to have an in-depth nutrition consultation. This is critical to address the unique biochemical needs of the individual. Treating sugar addiction is complex and different for each person.

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