Saturday, January 30, 2016

Bananas; Facts and Myth debunked

Banana Facts

Below are interesting facts about our common Banana;
  • Bananas may have been the world's first cultivated fruit. Archaeologists have found evidence of banana cultivation in New Guinea as far back as 8000 B.C.
  • Bananas are produced mainly in tropical and subtropical areas of Africa, Asia and the Americas, as well as the Canary Islands and Australia.

Health Risk of going Bananas

Eating bananas in moderation comes with no significant side effects. Excessive is when you eat dozens of bananas everyday which is quite unlikely except you are a monkey. But consuming the fruit in excess quantities can cause the followings;

Headaches and Sleepiness

Headaches can be caused by the amino acids found in the fruit which causes blood vessels to dilate. The overripe bananas contain more amino acids than the greener ones. Too much of the amino acid; Tryptophan in the blood can contribute to sleepiness.

Bananas; Health Benefits of eating a Banana

Bananas have been recorded as one of the most consumed fruits in the world. But it’s still quite surprising that people still ask the question; are bananas good for me? This medium sized yellow fruit is packed with nutrients that will wow you after reading up the article. This easy to consume fruit is believed to be the ‘forbidden fruit’ that Eve offered to Adam, interesting, isn't it?
Now let’s look at the possible health benefits that can be derived from the sweet nutritious bananas which range from cardiovascular health benefits to even cancer.

Health Benefits of eating a Banana

Lowers Blood Pressure

Friday, January 22, 2016

Ten Immune Boosting Foods against Lassa Fever

Lassa fever is an acute viral illness that occurs in West Africa. The illness was discovered in 1969 when two missionary nurses died in Nigeria, West Africa. The cause of the illness was found to be Lassa virus, named after the town in Nigeria where the first cases originated. While Lassa fever is mild or has no observable symptoms in about 80% of people infected with the virus, the remaining 20% have a severe multi-system disease. Lassa fever is also associated with occasional epidemics, during which the case-fatality rate can reach 50%. (Source: CDC).
In Nigeria alone, 17 states are already affected with 62 lives claimed. The current mortality rate in Nigeria stands at 43.2%, which is quite high. Symptoms of the illness range from fever symptoms to retrosternal pain (pain behind the chest wall), sore throat, back pain, cough, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, facial swelling, proteinuria (protein in the urine), and mucosal bleeding.
Immunity levels have been found to be a major determining factor in recovery from any illness. Include these foods to daily meals and get the boost needed. We urge you to fortify your body with these foods;

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